Group shot

Webmaster’s Note: Hi guys, if you have any jpegs that you wish to add then by all means send them to me. Thanks, Chas.

The reunion was held at the Olims Hotel, Canberra ACT  on the 28th - 30th October 2011

Doc Casey and Charlie McPhail

Right: Peter and Kotha Elliott

And, below - starting a life together...

Marie West, Kay Pentland

Group shot

Gary and Donna Helman

Reg Brady, Lindsay Shaw, Shane Irlam, Paul and Sandra Flaherty

Wayne West

Terry Merritt

                              Julia Grzechowiak and Bob Lightburn with Ted Mildren        

Mrs Heather Mc Dermott, Pat Mildren, Tony and Carmel Mooney and Air Cdre Peter McDermott AM CMC

Gordon Potter and Reg Reilly

Greg and Margaret Hughes

Lee Croft and Noel Lee

Chas Adlard

Paul and Ray Nash

Darren Evans

Well done, mate!

       Lois Johnson,  Julia Grzechowiak and Bob Lightburn, Phil Johnson

Dawn Choy and Tex Kilmier

Chris Barrington and Anny Mariani

Max Munro

Vic Carter, Ian Gill,  Jack White, Peter Harding, Peter Elliott, Max Munro and Paul Nash

‘Youse are meant too watch the birdie, Vic’

Heather and Peter McDermott

Ursula and Ian Castles

Doug and Chris Mills, Judy and Roy Gaffee and Reg Brady

Ted Mildren and Ursula Castles

Gordon McCartney and Lee Croft

Terry Merritt, Al Morgan, Charlene Podolak

Tom Nelson and Gordon Potter

‘I’d look worried too, Tom!’

Linda and Mick Moore

Donna and Gary Helman, Keran Carsburg, Doug and Barbara Bower

Sam Free, Sue and Danny Clark

Greg Hughes, Leslie and Brian Roberts

Leslie Roberts, a blurred image of Reg Brady, Brian Roberts and Vita Sanders

Vita and George Sanders

Paul Healy and Lee Croft

Pat Gill and Max Munro

Alice and Jack White, Wendy and Vic McKean

Michelle and John Jenkins, Noel Lee, Nola Branson (?)

Ian Gill, Tex Kilmier and Chas Adlard

Tony Mooney, Mick Burns and Paul Thorpe

Lois Johnson, Tex Kilmier and Phil Johnson

Tex (again) and Sam Free

Air Cmdre Peter McDermott AM CMC

Webmaster’s note: No, not planned - just a lucky shot...

Pat Mildren, Ted Mildren, Ursula and Ian Castles, Charlie McPhail and Heather McDermott

The Toast

The Venerable Air Cmdre Dr Royce Thompson

Our thanks Chaplain...

A generous Chris Barrington and Pat Mildren

Our piper, Darren Evans and Pat

A generous Keran Carsburg and Pat Mildren

Ted honours his brother’s good work...

Peter McGraw

Darren Evans with brother-in-law Alan Brazil and Janelle Dent

Janelle Dent and Alan Brazil

(sorry about the shadows, too many photos to Aperture (like Photoshop)

Darren Evans and Alan Brazil

Terry Merritt, Terry Kinnane, Doug Bower and Al Morgan

Saturday 29th Octorber 2011

Congratulations to Dawn Choy and Tex Kilmier on their engagement

And in closing our thanks to Air Cmdre Peter McDermott AM CMC for his entertaining talk...

Well done, Pat and Pat - you did well... Oh, and Ted:)

Greg Bland and Tom Nelson

Mrs Susan Thompson, The Venerable Air Cmdre Dr Royce Thompson, Vic Carter, Kaye and Doc Casey

Click on this link to revisit the hotel


Chas Adlard

© Georama Pty Ltd

End Chas Adlard’s photography

Here’s a couple of good ones from Mark Limana

Brian Roberts, Greg Hughes, Andy Reid, Mark Limana and Reg Brady

Gordon McCartney and Greg Hughes (getting Huggy?)

66 photos